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Sudhanshu Mishra Memorial Lecture

Dr. C.B. Satpathy delivered the "Sudhanshu Mishra Memorial Lecture" on "Life and Introspection", a function organized by "Mamata" on July 15th, 2017 at Jaydev Bhavan, Bhubaneswar. Padma Bhushan Prof. Trilochan Pradhan (Founder Director of Institute of Physics and Former Vice Chancellor, Utkal University) and Shri A.R. Nanda, IAS(Retd.) were the honored guests on the dias. Two unpublished books of Mr. Sudhanshu Mishra ("Bhinnamata” & “Bhakta Rakhyaka Shri Sai “) were released by Dr. C.B. Satpathy ji. He also released the newly designed website of” Mamata” on this occasion.


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