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Ram Navami Message 2022

The Path towards the Sadguru is the real path towards spirituality, needed much in this age of conflicts, contradictions, and acute materialism. As Swami Vivekananda said, like different rivers leading to the sea, all the paths that men take lead to Him, the God eternal. The paths that are mostly adopted by the seekers are Rajyoga, Gyanayoga, Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga, Hathayoga, Layayoga, Nivruti Marg, Pravriti Marg etc. There are even Avadhootas, Kapalikas, Aghoris, and many other types of spiritual seekers. Different religions have different approaches. In this multiplicity of approaches towards the understanding and realization of God, there has to be something common and universal that binds us together. The seekers with such a universal approach make spiritual progress with comparative ease relative to others.

Sitting in Dwarakmayee masjid in Shirdi, Baba said that there are many paths, but one of the paths leads to God through Dwarkamayee. When one analyses how Baba led thousands of people on the path of spiritualism and ethical conduct at Shirdi, a certain pattern is discerned. The basic principles of the Sai path are based on the existence in the physical form of a perfect being known variously as a Sadguru, a Perfect Master, or a Qutub as is called by the Sufis. The word ‘Qutub’ simply means ‘axis’, a pivot around which others, living and non-living, revolve. The Perfect Master, having himself experienced different stages of evolution, including that of man, has at last reached the stage of a divine being. However, those among these perfect beings, who out of infinite compassion, make the greatest sacrifice of not enjoying the blissful state of God but incarnate on earth in a human body to serve the imperfect, suffering humanity are called the Sadgurus or Perfect Masters.

When in the human body, they act as both human beings and divine beings. As divine beings, they have infinite power, infinite knowledge, and infinite happiness. They are Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. They share their power, knowledge, and happiness with millions of people at times, by certain methods, not perceivable by human beings. These are called leelas or miracles. All miracles are based on the laws of nature. Only through arduous spiritual practices, one can know, experience, and master them. All the elemental and subtle forces of nature like fire, water, air, etc., on earth, are defined as various deities by the Hindus. These can be controlled and used by them for the benefit of devotees.

As divine beings, they see everything in themselves and themselves in everything. So, they serve as if they are serving themselves. They see God in everyone even though others may not be able to see God in them.

Let us always remember their kindness and pray for them to help us. Wishing everyone a joyous and pious Ram Janam Diwas.

Jai Shri Sai,

Dr. C. B. Satpathy




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