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The Complete Literary Works of Dr. C.B. Satpathy


‘He appeared in Shirdi, he served the people, and he conquered their hearts.’
Sometime in the mid-nineteenth century, a sixteen-year-old boy arrived in Shirdi, a small village in Maharashtra. Greeted as ‘Sai’ by the local priest, Mhalsapati, he began to be addressed by that name thereaft­er, and proceeded to touch and transform the lives of millions of his devotees. Shirdi Sai Baba: An Inspiring Life captures the life of the great saint in the most comprehensive manner till date. An authoritative scholar on the subject, who has devoted his life to spreading Shirdi Sai Baba’s teachings throughout the world, Dr Chandra Bhanu Satpathy has delved into rare archives and intelligence reports from the British Raj, and has interviewed hundreds of devotees, including direct descendants of Baba’s closest disciples, to provide an objective, factual and comprehensive view of Sai Baba’s life. Here is a book that paints a beautiful portrait of an inspiring biography.


This book is based on in-depth research that triangulates information from several primary sources, to provide hitherto unknown facts about Sai Baba, village Shirdi and some of the people who visited it during the late 19thand early 20th centuries. It not only adds to the repository of knowledge about this great saint of India and the role that he played in the context of protecting his devotees during India’s struggle for freedom, but additionally  provides new insights by raising questions and seeking answers through analysis of rare documents drawn from the National Archives, police records and diaries pertaining to that time as well as reviewing personal documents and literature in different languages. It contains nine chapters dealing with different aspects of Sai Baba’s life in Shirdi.


The book has several rare documents and photographs of Shirdi Sai Baba and his devotees as well as compositions of Shirdi of that time. A glossary is provided at the end of the book for ease of reference.


The book will be a valuable asset not just for all those who are devotees of Sai Baba and other Sadgurus, but also for students and academics who have an interest in India’s culture and history and in the means used by British to understand and control developments in different parts of the country.


This book, originally written in English, comprises of the life and teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba and the Perfect Masters. It is a rich source of spiritual knowledge. The book, which is a collection of written and verbal communications of Dr. Satpathy, has been translated into as many as ten Indian languages together with being published in the International vernacular like Nepalese, Slovenian and German as well. 


Over the years, Dr. Satpathy has been inundated with spiritual questions from Sai devotees and people with a religious bent of mind from all over the world, across continents. Dr. Satpathy has taken the time to respond to each of these queries. These questions and answers have been compiled and given the form of a book titled 'May I Answer.' This book has been re-published as 'Baba May I Answer' in English, Hindi, and eight Indian regional languages. It is also available in Nepalese. 


Gopyaru Agopya is Dr. Satpathy’s conception on cosmology and spiritualism in Odia. It is a dissertation, not based on any school of belief but Dr.Satpathy’s interpretations of the celestial movements. The book reflects Dr. Satpathy's intense interest in the Science behind symbols, images and words used in Hindu religion, together with his vast knowledge of Astrology, Astronomy, and Pyramidology, which gave him the understanding of Nirakara, Sakara, Saguna and Nirguna forms of divinity and worship. This book was further translated into Sanskrit and was titled 'Srstitattwanuchintanam', Hindi: 'Avyakt Se Vyakt', Sindhi: 'Aprakat Kha(N) Prakat'.


Shri Guru Bhagwat, originally composed in Odia in the unique Nabakshri poetic meter (lines with nine letters each, in couplet form) consists of about 38,000 lines is a philosophical treatise that transcends the mundaneness of worldly existence. It is a rich source of information on the world beyond the simple purview of mankind. The all-encompassing study is available in nine volumes.


The first deals with the understanding of the different forms of the Guru and the Guru-shishya parampara thereof.


The second volume defines the divine nature of the Sadguru, the power of miracles of the Sadguru, the relation between Shri Guru and His disciple, His divine grace, transmission of energy from the Guru to His disciple, the theory of the universe and some clue to the science of death.


The third volume defines the study of Dharma, knowledge of Death, the action-reaction syndrome of Hinduism and Meditation on the Guru.


The fourth volume is a guide to God realization, the worship of Shri Guru, Yogic practices, and Devotion.


The fifth volume is based primarily on the Tattwas and introduces the concepts of Kalatattwa, Siddhitattwa, etc. It talks about superstitions and the hidden blessings in the form of curses, the divine relationship between the Guru and disciples and their first symbolic meeting. This metaphysical anthology is an ever expanding thesis and is expected to increase in volumes to help the spiritual minds explore the unknown cosmos.


The sixth volume defines the ancient Indian saints (Veda Vyas, Agastya, Sandipani,Vasistha etc), their contributions, ‘Gayatri Mantra’, ‘Sanatan Dharma’, ‘Shaiva’ & ‘Shakta’ tradition, ‘Puranas’ and the history of ‘Purana’, the chemistry of Indian ‘Yagyan’ tradition, the most important topic on Social duties in the family.


The seventh volume defines Paramatma – Atma & Jivatma (God, Self & Soul); the greatness of Gurus and Saints; Guru-Tattwa in Ramayana & Mahabharata, comparative analysis; various theories about the creation of the universe; detailed analysis of Tantra shastra, Kundalini, Chakra, Nadi etc; God realization; the tradition of Hindu gotras (Clan) 


The eighth volume defines Saint’s divine natures, Atma Shakti (Inherent powers), Atma Gyan (Enlighten), Shaiva Tattwa (Princilple), Siddhi (Attainment), Mokshya (deliverance), Fasting, Prayer for Parent, Indian Philosophy & Culture, Indian History and future.


The ninth volume covers Patanjal Yoga Shastra, importance of omkar, concept of three worlds (Tri-loka), different types of Tantra (Baudha Dharma, kaulachara, Kapalika), human attributes and much more.


The historical collection of works has won the appreciation of the Hon’ble Ex-President of India, Smt. Pratibha Patil. Other than this, it has been reviewed by distinguished writers who have compiled their views on the book. 



The precious pearls of written and verbal messages by Dr. Satpathy have been strung together and given the shape of the book titled 'The Age of Shirdi Sai.' This book has been published in English and is an invaluable fountain of the learning acquired by Dr. Satpathy in his journey on the path of Shri Sainath. For those who believe in the path shown by Dr. Satpathy, this book is a gem in the necklace of spiritualism. Guru Sandesam published by Sri Shirdi Sai Kalyanam Trust as early as 2004 and Sai Diganta in 2014 are similar books compiled in Telugu and Odia respectively, in the lines of The Age of Shirdi Sai. 


Apart from the classics mentioned above, Dr. Satpathy has also made a remarkable contribution to spiritual literature by composing handbooks for worship. These booklets provide guidance for simplified veneration to the Master and also explain mantras and Aartis in simple language for easy understanding. 


  1. SHRI JAGANNATH ASHTOTTAR SHAT NAAMABALI O STABAK comprises of the hundred and eight names of Lord Jagannath. 

  2. SATCHARITA O SHRI SAI ARADHANA is the Odia translation of Shri Sai Satcharita and the Odia meaning of Shri Sainath’s Aartis. 

  3. SHRI SAI AARTI ODIA BHABARTHA SAHITA contains the Odia translation of Shri Sai Baba’s aartis with their depiction. 

  4. SAI BABANKARA SARALA PUJA BIDHI O SHRI SAI MANTRA ODIA BHABARTHA SAHITA is a handbook consisting of the Odia interpretation of Sai mantras and guidance to simplified process of worshipping Shri Sainath. 

  5. SHRI SHIRDI SAI SAGUNOPASANA pertains to the worship of Shri Sai Baba’s idol. 

  6. SHRI GURU BHAGWAT SURA DHAWNI is a handbook consisting of simplified process of worshipping the Perfect Master (Sadguru) in seven days.

  7. SHRI GURU BHAGWAT BHABOCHWASA is a handbook consisting of prayers for important festivals for the Perfect Master (Sadguru).



The composition of this book, in the words of Dr. Satpathy himself, was propelled by “genuine interest and inquisitiveness” of a great number of devotees of Shri Sai Baba. The content in the book is far from being a reproduction of the author’s speeches and written articles in various magazines. This collection of questions and answers released in 2014 and published by Sterling Publishers, especially addresses the devotees overseas in a comprehensive manner. What makes it distinctly different from a similar book titled 'Baba May I Answer' is that, apart from catering to majorly new questions, it has the unique attribute of tackling them with direct anecdotes from Shri Sai Satcharita. Dr. Satpathy has mentioned that the matter about magazine Sainath Prabha published in Shirdi between 1916-1919, the information contained in the intelligence report of the British Government on Baba and the school in which Shama worked, would be of prime interest to the readers. 


The Odia devotees were blessed with the boon of getting access to the Odia translation of the original Marathi Aarti of Shri Sainath, with the release of the booklet in 2014.The regional interpretation of the Aarti was done by Dr. Satpathy and is also available in the form of CD. 

In addition to his direct works some of the literary works have been taken up for critical analyses by scholars and learned educationists. These include Shri Guru Bhagavat: Eka Divyanubhava, a compilation of reviews by twenty-seven eminent writers, was released as a testimony to Shri Guru Bhagavat at an Odia seminar titled Chetanara Unmilana O Gurushakti, based on Shri Guru Bhagavat, which was organized by the Department of Odia and Literature, Ravenshaw University and Sai Naivedya, Cuttack. Another book titled Shri Guru Bhagavat Eka Divyanubhuti, comprising of articles written on Shri Guru Bhagavat in English, Hindi, and Odia, followed the former release. Also available is Birachita Guru Bhagabata Gadyanubada Pratham Khanda Ru Chaturtha Khanda in Odia which is a prosaic account on Volume I-IV on Sri Guru Bhagabata translated by Sri Annada Prasad Ray.

Besides, Dr. Satpathy has helped in compiling a book on his father Shri Gokul Chandra Satpathyji's works titled "Gokul Chandra Sanchayan." In addition to this, he has also inspired the translation of Shri Sadguru Sainath Sagunopashana in Assamese. 



Dr. Satpathy also oversees publication of several quarterly, biannual and annual magazines at the National and International level and sends his message to them all. To name a few are: Sai Chetna, Chennai; Sai Arpan, Moradabad; Sai Kripa, Delhi; Sai Baba Darshan, Delhi; Heritage of Shirdi Sai, Delhi; Sai Chhaya, Baripada; Sai Bani, Bhubaneswar;Sai Darpan, Sambalpur; Sai Nirmalya, Bhubaneswar Sai Ananta, Mumbai; Sai Kirnalu, Tirupati; Sai Prabha, Noida; Shri Sai Seva, Allahabad. The most recent addition to this list of quarterlies is Sai Divine and Sai Chronicle, e-magazines published under his patronage. 

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